“Meditation helps people move on with their lives more quickly, more reasonably, more affordably, and with dignity.”
~ Carol F. Delzer

Carol F. Delzer, is a problem solver, skilled in finance and negotiation and works with couples to dissolve marriages in a compassionate way.

Divorce Mediation Expert

Carol F. Delzer is a certified mediator and divorce lawyer with more than 30 years of experience serving clients in Northern California. In addition, Ms. Delzer is a licensed marriage family therapist.

It is in your best interests to work with a divorce mediation attorney who has the skills and knowledge to effectively act as a third-party neutral mediator. Carol uses her experience, background and skills to create win-win marital settlement agreements (MSA). Carol has prepared and processed over 1000 mediated divorce settlement agreements. Clients benefit greatly both emotionally and financially with her years of experience in using her stream lined divorce mediation process.

Clients never have to go to court. Carol prepares and processes all the family law court required documents for a dissolution of marriage in the privacy of her office.

Carol Delzer maintains a proven track record and is held in high regard by colleagues, judges and legal professionals in the Sacramento area. She is known for her legal abilities and is respected for her professional approach. She prides herself in providing quality divorce mediation services and collaborative practice.

Through her commitment, experience, and expertise, Carol Delzer’s Family Law Center a professional corporation, has established a professional reputation for service and integrity.

Mediation is most definitely worth your time.
We can put our experience in your court. Contact us today!