by nter-dfw22 | Sep 12, 2018 | California family law court, Child Custody, Co-Parenting, divorce law, family court, family court documents, family law, family law advice, family law attorney, Legal Document Preparation
School-Related Child Custody Issues It is back-to-school time. If you are an unmarried, divorced, or divorcing parent, school-related issues can be one of the custody challenges facing you. If that is the case advice from a family law attorney will help you. Below are...
by nter-dfw22 | Jun 28, 2017 | Child Custody, Co-Parenting, family court, family law advice, Uncategorized
Father’s Rights – Throughout the years, fathers from all over the country have been fighting for equal rights within the Family Court System. The Fathers’ rights movement, resulted from the 1960s and 70s, during a time of high divorce rates, and a time when many...
by nter-dfw22 | Jun 20, 2017 | Budget, Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Collaborative, Court Hearing, Evidence, family court, legal divorce documents, Legal Document Preparation
Oral Agreements can be a good start to reaching an arrangement among parents during a child custody matter. However, oral agreements have little meaning in the legal system without written documentation to back them up. It is important to recognize that oral...
by nter-dfw22 | Jun 1, 2017 | Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Court Case, family court
In a parentage case, also known more commonly as a “paternity case”, the court will make an order that states who the child’s legal parents are. The law assumes that the married persons are the child’s legal parents, so parentage is automatically established in most...
by nter-dfw22 | May 9, 2016 | Child Custody
If you have a child custody order from a different state and you or the other parent reside in California, you should strongly consider registering the order in California in case enforcement is necessary. To register your out-of-state order, you will need the...
by nter-dfw22 | Apr 9, 2016 | Child Custody, Court Case, Court Hearing
A child’s relationship with a stepparent may grow stronger than with the child’s noncustodial parent and the parties might consider stepparent adoption. Through adoption, the biological parent’s spouse (the stepparent) becomes the child’s parent. The other biological...