Accurate and Full Financial Disclosures is Key to Amicable Divorces

For a successful divorce mediation, knowledge and acceptance of the disclosure duties by both parties at the outset of the process is key to building the trust necessary for a successful, efficient divorce process. An effective mediation process will help identify the...

Dividing Retirement Plans at Divorce

Dividing Retirement Plans at Divorce For couples going through the divorce process, the division of the parties’ retirement plan/s is a task that requires careful consideration. This division in the legal divorce process is more complicated than the family law process...

Does your Friend or Relative need a Family Law Attorney?

Are you a concerned family member, friend or co-worker? Are you trying to find family law answers for the person you care about? While it may be your intention to help, sometimes the best help is handing the phone number, email or website to the person in need of...

How To Be A Good Divorce Client

THE THINGS YOU AS A CLIENT MAY BE GOING THROUGH You are not seeing your children as much as you would like to. Grieving the loss of your marital partner. Fear around money including having to pay the other party child support. Or you may fear how you will support your...

Child Support Waiver is NO Waiver

Child support is your child or children’s right to be supported. I am often been asked if the parties can agree to set their own child support or waive the child support. Parties may agree to waive child support or set support at an agreed amount. But this agreement...