Modification of

Modification Of Child Custody with a
Mediated Agreement

Child Custody Agreements Are Not Set in Stone
Situations and circumstances change, and you may need to modify your child custody agreement. Sometimes a family court order is necessary. In either case, you must take immediate action. This requires either modification by a mediated agreement or a new family court order.
In order to modify a custody order, you must show a changed circumstance – and prove that modifying the current order will be in your child’s best interest, or you can work together to reach a mutually agreeable child custody modification court order.

Reasons to Modify a Child Custody Agreement

A change of circumstance in any of the following areas may be suitable grounds for modifying your child custody agreement:

  • There have been significant changes in how much time the child in the case spends with each parent
  • One parent has moved out of the area and the parenting plan needs modification
  • The child’s needs have changed and there are more (or less) costs for child care, health care, and/or education.

If your circumstances have changed, please consider Mediation to modify your current custody order.

Mediation is most definitely worth your time.
We can put our experience in your court. Contact us today!