by nter-dfw22 | Jun 2, 2014 | Child Custody, Co-Parenting, Collaborative, Divorce
The parent-child relationship is one of the most important, life-changing bonds you’ll ever have. Making wise decisions regarding parenting is critical for you and your children. Collaborative co-parenting is something parents will benefit from learning – to parent...
by nter-dfw22 | May 30, 2014 | Child Custody, Co-Parenting, Divorce Mediation
In California, whenever family law issues of child custody or visitation are in dispute, California Family Code section 3170 requires that the parties involved participate in Child Custody Recommending Counseling. This is also referred to as child custody mediation...
by nter-dfw22 | May 19, 2014 | Co-Parenting, Collaborative, Legal Document Preparation
Once you become a parent, virtually every major decision you make in your life revolves around your children’s well-being. How to navigate them through a divorce or break-up from their other parent is no exception. Decisions regarding child custody must be handled...
by nter-dfw22 | Mar 5, 2014 | Child Support, Co-Parenting
Children’s Ages, Needs, and Developmental Stages Children’s abilities and needs are not the same at four as they are at thirteen. They grow and change. These changes take place in known developmental stages that are fairly predictable, although the exact...
by nter-dfw22 | Apr 3, 2013 | Child Support, Co-Parenting
Child Custody includes two different kinds of custody: Legal Child Custody and Physical Child Custody. Let’s start with the definition of each: Legal custody is the decision-making process about the children’s health, education, and welfare. Physical custody...