by nter-dfw22 | Nov 20, 2015 | Budget, California family law court, Court Case, Deadlines, Divorce, divorce court, divorce law, Divorce Mediation, family court, family court documents, family court forms, family court paperwork, family law advice, family law attorney, family law forms, family law legal terminology, legal divorce documents, Legal Document Preparation
On-Line Divorce Dangers- When faced with a divorce where do you go? Divorce Busters online? Or do you use the internet to instruct you on How to do your own divorce? Have you seen advertisements on the internet about how easy divorce can be through use of the...
by nter-dfw22 | Nov 16, 2011 | Divorce
In order to change your name after getting a divorce in California, you will need to take the following steps: 1. Complete an, “Ex-parte Application for Restoration of Former Name After Entry of Judgment and Order. FL-395. Indicate the case number, the date that the...
by nter-dfw22 | Oct 9, 2011 | Divorce
Two common questions people ask when thinking about getting a divorce are: if we choose divorce mediation, how long will it take and how much will it cost? How Long Will It Take? The length of mediation is largely dependent on the complexity of the issues involved...
by nter-dfw22 | Sep 23, 2011 | Budget, Child Support, Collaborative, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Legal Document Preparation, Spousal Support
When a couple divorces, the court looks at the best way to divide both party’s debts as well as their assets. Just as there are community and individual assets, there can be community and individual (separate) debts. For example, if one spouse takes out a...
by nter-dfw22 | Sep 12, 2011 | Child Support, Co-Parenting
A well-written child custody agreement within your divorce agreement will help you co-parent children more successfully after divorce. It is the most important document you will craft as parents and deserves your best effort. It can be 1 page long or 20 pages long,...