by nter-dfw22 | Jul 25, 2019 | California family law court, Divorce, divorce court, divorce law, family court, family court documents, family court forms, family court paperwork, family law, family law advice, family law attorney, family law forms, family law legal terminology, legal divorce documents, Legal Document Preparation
Dividing Retirement Plans at Divorce For couples going through the divorce process, the division of the parties’ retirement plan/s is a task that requires careful consideration. This division in the legal divorce process is more complicated than the family law process...
by nter-dfw22 | Sep 15, 2014 | Budget, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, family law
Divorce on a Budget, Divorce Questions, Mediation Divorcing couples have many challenges they face regarding the family law divorce process. If you are facing a divorce, you will need to make some difficult choices based upon your situation, including how you and your...
by nter-dfw22 | Jun 2, 2014 | Child Custody, Co-Parenting, Collaborative, Divorce
The parent-child relationship is one of the most important, life-changing bonds you’ll ever have. Making wise decisions regarding parenting is critical for you and your children. Collaborative co-parenting is something parents will benefit from learning – to parent...
by nter-dfw22 | Feb 18, 2014 | Divorce, Divorce Mediation
A Timely Divorce Even the decision of when to proceed with the divorce will create very different choices and outcomes. When a couple can communicate well enough at the time of breakup to make decisions together respectfully and cooperatively, they are in the best...
by nter-dfw22 | Mar 21, 2013 | Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Legal Separation, Uncategorized
Psychological studies rate divorce as one of life’s highest stressors along with death of a loved one or a critical illness. But these studies fail to tell you how to make it different. Divorce has the unique quality of allowing you to make some choices—unlike...