The parent-child relationship is one of the most important, life-changing bonds you’ll ever have. Making wise decisions regarding parenting is critical for you and your children.
Parents want the best for their children, but divorce and relationship breakups happen every day which can cause tension for the entire family. Sadly, children often become the innocent victims of a negative breakup experience.
But you can change that situation and protect your children from the heartbreak, chaos and expense that often make the divorce process traumatic.
The Collaborative Co-parenting web site offers an 8-week online course on how to support and nuture your children during divorce and how to avoid the mistakes of others. This is your opportunity to give your children the chance to look back on these years as a happy period touched by divorce, rather than a childhood devastated by it.
The Collaborative co-parenting approach means finding a way to work with your co-parent with dignity and respect. What was once a personal relationship becomes more like a business relationship wherein both parties set aside personal feelings for the benefit of the children. During divorce, children need to look to both parents for guidance and support.
If you feel the road you’re on right now with your co-parent is rocky or you want to learn more ideas for collaborative co-parenting, then visit Collaborative Co-parenting online.
Further reading:
Pick up a free copy of the book 8 Weeks To Collaborative Co-parenting by Carol F. Delzer, M.A., J.D. at Family Law Center, 1722 Professional Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825. Phone: 916.488.5088.